
Yoshiki Ohshima

Yoshiki was born in Tokyo, Japan. While he was attending the graduate school of Tokyo Institute of Technology, he joined Walt Disney Imagineering R&D in 2000 as an intern and helped develop prototypes of Disney's theme park attractions. He also has been involved in Alan Kay's research group, and participated in the research and development effort of education programming environment Squeak Etoys and later took the leading role. Yoshiki has worked at the Viewpoints Research Institute, SAP Labs CDG, and Y Combinator Research all of which Dr. Kay founded or helped found. Currently, he is at the Croquet Corporation, of which he is a co-founder. He was awarded his Ph.D. for designing and implementing a massively parallel particle programming system from Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Oscar Nierstrasz

Oscar Nierstrasz is Professor emeritus of Computer Science at the University of Bern, where he founded the Software Composition Group in 1994. He retired from the University at the end of 2021, and is currently working at feenk.com to support onboarding and teaching of moldable development. He is co-author of over 400 publications, including the open-source books Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns and Pharo by Example.

Hilaire Fernandes

Hilaire teaches mathematics and ICT in public school in Geneva. He is a long time free software enthusiast. He is developing Dr. Geo since 1996 and use intensively Smalltalk since 2005. He also developed a Smalltalk web application to manage personal debt consolidation under French regulation.

He contributed to free projects as Freeduc, Squeak by Example, Pharo and more recently Cuis-Smalltalk. Realizing Cuis-Smalltalk is a very agile Smalltalk environment with state of the art graphic and Morphic systems, he ported Dr. Geo to it and wrote The Cuis Book as a tribute to the Cuis community.

His recent interest focuses on revisiting the Dynabook concept from the hardware, software, pedagogical and economic perspectives with Cuis-Smalltalk as the main vehicle.

Agustín Rafael Martínez

Researcher at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Buenos Aires. He has published papers on Theory of Knowledge. He is also a playwright and theater director. Three areas of knowledge are what drive him today to conceive a new language and paradigm: programming, philosophy and art.

Boris Shingarov

Boris began his career as a theoretical physicist at MSU "M.V.Lomonosov". After learning about the existence of Smalltalk in 1994, he has made a number of fundamental contributions to Smalltalk through his work at major Smalltalk companies such as The Object People, IBM/OTI, and Cincom. Boris is the co-author of the IBM VisualAge for Smalltalk Handbook, one of the Founding Committers of Eclipse, and the named inventor on patents relating to a wide range of fields (from code generation and database structures for information retrieval, to music notation for mediæval chant). Boris' current job at LabWare is to invent the Smalltalk of the future as a first-class citizen in the global computational landscape. This entails working on the specifications of RISC-V and OpenPOWER (the two open-source computational platforms) as an embodiment of the Smalltalk paradigm.

Carlos E. Ferro

I am a regular at Smalltalks since the very first one and still did not miss one. Does that say something about my life? I work on Smalltalk since 1999, I discovered it thanks to Máximo Prieto while studying Computer Science at FCEyN, UBA and it changed my life. I have worked as a developer since 1986 using other technologies that I would like not to see again... Besides programming, I was assistant at OOP courses for several years, I wrote a good deal of fiction, I am a hobbyist proofreader and regularly answer questions in Quora. Oh, and I used to read a lot, now I only read a good deal.

Diego Palmitesta

I have been working in IT since 2018. My job title is devops. I am a very determined person when it comes to working. I like working in a place where my colleagues are my friends and where we can achieve great things while having fun.

Diego Roig Seigneur

25 years of experience as a software engineer. Worked with Smalltalk designing and maintaining mission-critical systems in organizations such as J. P. Morgan Chase.

More recently I've been working on high performance blockchain applications with the Rust programming language.

Eduardo Bacelar

I am huge passionate about technology. One of the things I like most about working on IT is that there is always something new to learn. I like to work as a team and in a relaxed work environment.  

Esteban Lorenzano

Esteban A. Maringolo

Esteban A. Maringolo is a senior software developer specializing in analysis, application development, and web architectures. Due to his experience with other Smalltalk dialects, he was keen to join the Instantiations team in 2019 to improve the extensibility of VAST and bridge the gap between it and other platforms. Esteban is involved in ongoing improvements to VAST’s new Unicode and Async frameworks, and he’s an active member of the Smalltalk development community with regular contributions to various open source projects.

Ezequiel Rotiroti

I have been working in IT for 17 years. I started in IT as an Electronics and Telecommunications Technician and through hard work and dedication I became a DevOps Engineer and DevOps Technology Leader at Open Pass. I am a very persevering person who likes to teach and work in teams that love continuous learning.

Facundo Javier Gelatti

Facundo is a software developer and teacher, working at UNQ (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes) and 10Pines. He loves sharing and discovering things together with other people. Since he discovered Smalltalk, he started to think differently about programming, and hasn't found another language and environment like it. His main areas of interest are object-oriented design, test-driven development, refactoring, and patterns.

You can find him on Twitter @javiergelatti.

Felipe Zak

Gabriel Cotelli

Bachelor in CS, continuous learner & free-thinker. Supporter of libre knowledge, human intelligence augmentation and open source software. Working in Smalltalk at Mercap since 2004. He's an active member of the Smalltalk development community and regular contributor to open source projects in Buenos Aires Smalltalk and Pharo.

Gabriel Rodriguez

My name is Gabriel Rodriguez, and I am studying Systems Engineering at UTN. I am currently working as a Devops at OpenPass where I continuously work with AWS, Kubernetes, Helm, Argo, Docker, automation and different monitoring technologies. I am a problem-solver and highly responsible person who always seeks opportunities for continuous learning and personal and professional growth.

James Foster

As a junior-high student in 1971, James discovered the local university’s computer center and a life-long obsession with computers began. He was introduced to Smalltalk/V for the Mac in the mid-90s, and became a Smalltalk fan. James teaches undergraduate computer science classes and serves as VP of Finance & Operations for GemTalk Systems. He is a passionate advocate for GemStone and all things Smalltalk.

Javier Pimás

Javier Pimás is a fan of high-level low-level programming. Has been mixing Smalltalk and assembly code for more than a decade. Within Bee, SqueakNOS and Powerlang projects has been trying to make live-programming of Smalltalk VMs more practical to application programmers.

Jorge Sagasti

Father of two wonderful children :-)

Development Manager for OpenPass. A developer for 45 years. Born as a programmer :-) .In '86 published the first application for Mac in the USA.

Hernán Morales

Hernán Morales is a software engineer which uses Smalltalk technologies since 1998, in academic research and industry contexts. He worked with multiple Smalltalk implementations, including VA Smalltalk, VisualWorks, Dolphin, Squeak, and Pharo. He was the original author of BioSmalltalk, and worked last years in building tools for agent-based modelling at Cirad, contributing to PolyMath, Pharo-AI and other Pharo libraries. He actively participates in the Pharo open-source community.

Today, Hernán is working in compiler development and enhacements for the Pharo virtual machine with the RMoD team at Lille, France.

Hernán Wilkinson

Passionate programmer. Smalltalk lover. Founder of 10Pines and FAST (Argentine Foundation of Smalltalk). Professor of the FCEyN at the UBA. Teaches OO and Agile techniques at the university and the industry. Key Note Speaker of many national and international conferences. Contributes to many Smalltalk opensource projects. Promotes self organized organizations and agile methodologies. You can follow him in Twitter at @hernanwilkinson

Jan Vrany

Jan Vrany is a Smalltalk enthusiast since his university studies. He has been working on several Smalltalk and Java virtual machines including Smalltalk/X and OpenJ9. Computer-wise, his primary interests are programming languages, virtual machines and multi-language programming environments. Currently he's at LabWare working on virtual machines and debugging support.

Juan Vuletich

Juan is the founder and lead developer of Cuis Smalltalk. He is a long standing member of the Open Source Smalltalk community, having contributed kernel code to Cuis, Squeak and the Squeak VM for over 25 years. Juan has been programming since he was 14, and doing it professionally since he was 17. He holds an Ms.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Buenos Aires. He works at LabWare.

Mariano Martinez Peck

Mariano Martinez Peck is a senior systems engineer specializing in dynamic programming language software. In 2018, he joined Instantiations to further develop the VAST Platform through the addition of new frameworks, libraries and tools, as well as improving the existing code base of VAST. He is active in the Smalltalk development community, and has used his expertise to co-author numerous open source projects. Mariano has a PhD in Computer Science, and his academic research has been published across various international journals.

Martín Dias

Martín is currently a software engineer for the Pharo Consortium, focused on graphical libraries.

Over the last 20 years, Martín was a programmer, a researcher, and a university teacher (UNQUI). Martín already has more than ten years of experience with Pharo, contributing to its open-source ecosystem. For example, he is one of the creators of Fuel, a widely used object serializer in Pharo, Squeak, and others.

Evil professors at the University of Buenos Aires (DC-FCEyN) infected Martín with a passion for OOP. This led Martín to France, where he got a Ph.D. in CS at the University of Lille (Inria-RMoD). He then worked as a postdoc researcher at the University of Chile.

He has attended several FAST Smalltalks and ESUG conferences since 2009. Martín seems to enjoy writing about himself in 3rd person.

Máximo Prieto

I've been working in CS & IS for 36 years both in Industry and at the university. My current activity is 100% teaching OOP, OOD and TDD.

Nahuel Garbezza

I work crafting high-quality software at 10Pines (Buenos Aires, Argentina). I was a university teacher for more than 10 years. I love working with Test-Driven Development, improving legacy codebases, doing open source things just for fun, and helping other engineers to grow. I've been working mostly with dynamic languages (Smalltalk, Ruby, Javascript).

Nicolas Papagna Maldonado

Nicolas Papagna Maldonado is a developer who believes the computer revolution hasn't happened yet.

Loves learning and sharing anything OO & TDD related. He's been TA for OO at FCEN, University of Buenos Aires. Happily grows software at 10Pines.

Chat with him on Twitter at @NicolasPapagna.

Sebastian Sastre

Product oriented senior software engineer with a rich experience in the full stack, SaaS, systems design of high-throughput backends. Independent consultant. Previously at Telna, Sulvo and Airflowing.

Seth Berman

Seth Berman is President & CEO of Instantiations. He leads a dedicated team that tirelessly supports and enhances Instantiations' VAST Platform, while he guides expansion into new software/service areas like IoT, cloud, and edge computing solutions. Before leading Instantiations, Seth joined the company in 2011 as a software engineer working on projects ranging from advanced code editors and cryptography libraries to FFI enhancements and virtual machine implementations. Previously, he worked for the US government in a variety of domains including stochastic simulation, operations research, grid computing, and link analysis. Seth has a B.S. in Computer Science and an M.S. in Software Engineering.